These problems have dealt with the mechanical or operational
processes. However, there are other problems dealing with the
completing of the descriptive information. The fingerprint card may be
returned because of the lack of information in the spaces provided,
such as name, sex, race, height, weight, etc. Any discrepancies in
this information may necessitate the return of the fingerprint card.
The succes
and value of the FBI's fingerprint files to all law
enforcement agencies are dependent, in a large measure, on the legibly
inked fingerprints taken by law enforcement agencies.
Figure 386 shows an enlarged portion of the bulb of a finger revealing
the microscopic structure of the friction skin. The epidermis consists
of two main layers, namely, the stratum corneum, which covers the
surface, and the stratum mucosum, which is just beneath the covering
surface. The stratum mucosum is folded under the surface so as to form
ridges which will run lengthwise and correspond to the surface
ridges. However, these are twice as numerous since the deeper ridges
which correspond to the middle of the surface ridges alternate with
smaller ones which correspond to the furrows. The sweat pores run in
single rows along the ridges and communicate through the sweat ducts
with the coil sweat glands which are below the entire epidermis. The
friction ridges result from the fusion in rows of separate epidermic
elements, such as the dot shown on the left. Generally speaking, when
an individual bruises or slightly cuts the outer layer or stratum
corneum of the bulb of the finger, the ridges will not be permanently
defaced. However, if a more serious injury is inflicted on the bulb of
the finger, thereby damaging the stratum mucosum, the friction skin
will heal, but not in its original formation. The serious injury will
result in a permanent scar appearing on the bulb of the finger.