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Jacket Folder File

When an identification bureau receives prints of individuals on whom

it already has prints, it is not practical to keep more than one set

of prints per person in what may be called the active fingerprint

file. In these instances the better print should be designated a

Master print by having the word Master stamped thereon. It should

be given a number, to be known as the master number, which number

should also be placed
on all other sets of prints which may be found

to be identical with the Master print. The Master print is placed

in the active files. The extra prints are placed together in a heavy

folder with their master number stamped thereon. This jacket folder is

then filed in a separate cabinet. Also, if copies of all information

regarding an individual, photographs, and FBI transcript of record are

kept in this folder, his complete record will always be assembled in

an easily accessible unit. The Master number should also be placed

on the index card and all the alias cards of the individual. Also,

each new alias and arrest number should be placed on the original

index card. The additional records are kept in folders which are

arranged in numerical order, beginning with Nos. 1, 2, 3, and so on.

1-154 ----------- GPO: 1962 OF--663475

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A further suggestion in connection with the maintenance of this folder

file, besides the use of a separate Master numbering system, is the

use of the arrest fingerprint number. As indicated previously, each

person arrested and fingerprinted is assigned a number. This number

appears on the fingerprint card, name-index card, and photograph. The

practice of handling every new arrest fingerprint card in the bureau

should include searching the fingerprint card in the fingerprint file

to ascertain if the subject has a previous record. If the subject does

not have a previous record, a new number should be assigned. In this

connection it is noted that only one copy of the fingerprint card

should be maintained in the file by fingerprint classification. To

indicate the new arrest on the old index card, the date of the new

arrest can be shown. Whether the bureau follows the Master numbering

system or the previous arrest numbering system should make very

little difference in the ultimate purpose. All extra copies of

fingerprint cards, complete record sheets, photographs, and all

information pertaining to the individual are filed away in the folder

file. This complete record is readily accessible at all times. It will

now be found that the bureau has a complete record of each individual

who has an arrest record on file, with provision made for accurate

cross-referencing and checking between names and fingerprints.

